Your first resource when purchasing food grade FIBCs

Read this guide before purchasing food grade bulk bags!

Standard FIBC vs Food Grade FIBC Comparison Chart

If you're in the food industry, you know. You're subject to unique rules and regulations unlike most industries. We get it. We're here to help.

Download our Buyer's Guide to Food Grade Bulk Bags and learn all you need to know about purchasing food grade FIBCs. By downloading, you'll get access to:

  1. A comparison chart showing features of standard FIBCs versus food grade FIBCs
  2. Information about the different standards food grade bulk bags are held to (BRC, GFSI, AIB, etc)
  3. What to look for in a food grade FIBC supplier 

To gain access to "A Buyer's Guide to Food Grade Bulk Bags", fill out the form on this page!

Laura Heinen - National Bulk Bag

"This buyer's guide tells you everything you need to know so you can make an informed food grade FIBC purchase. We're confident you'll gain the knowledge to help guide your purchasing decision in the sensitive food industry."

- Laura Heinen, Sales and Marketing Manager